Orange Box II

Join the Red Headed League!

Come on all you Reds, Oranges, Gingers and Tortoiseshells this page is just for you. Being a bright Orange cat myself I am very interested in the promotion of all cats that share my beautiful colour so if you send me your photograph I will include it in the Orange Box.
E-mail me at: .


 Touched Byfire
Here is Westholme Touched Byfire pictured at the Celtic Longhair and Semi Longhair Cat Society’s Chepstow show. Touched Byfire could well have been called ‘Touched Bywater’ as apparently he is a lover of that wet stuff.
Rufus Red the Ragdoll is a very playful cat who lives in Leek, Staffordshire England.
Introducing ‘Relish’ the American Red Tabby Persian from Saltash in Cornwall where she lives with her aunt ‘Muffin’ (Traceylooe Blueberry Muffin). Relish’s full name is Traceylooe Relish and she was born in Looe, Cornwall on May 21st 1997.
This is Doleygate Redhot Salsa. He is a wonderful boy, but he does like to stick his tongue out.

Mr. Jinks
Mr. Jinks is a farm cat from Co. Durham in Northern England. I am told he is a very good ratter. What’s a rat?

Now that’s what I call an Orange Cat! Swimming Cat comes from the Spanish island of Ibiza and is seen here with Eve, his swimming partner.

After months of climbing instuction Cousin Dana has finally made it into the branches of my Horse Chestnut tree.

Sam Attrill the Orange and White from Devon is seen here sitting on the roof of his luxury boarding cattery apartment.

This is Exotic cat is Icemoor Heavens Above, known to her friends as ‘The Grumbler’. She is called ‘The Grumbler’ because she is always chattering.


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